So as this week comes to an end, I can't help but re read my horoscope and see when Mercury Retrograde started...
well I don't know exactly what date, but we are IN mercury retrograde now!!! If you know anything about MR, it's this: people get a little crazy, everyone is on their last wits and it's usually not fun... but I will provide a better definition (go to: )
and also about my week and I got Great confirmation:
"The further your reach, the greater your risk and the deeper your trust, the better it will be. Be bold and the breakthrough will feel like destiny." (
I don't know about everyone reading, but my weekend was very stressful! I had so many things going on at work that I had to take 10 minute breaks every 5 mins and BREATHE deeply probably the WHOLE day! I also had someone hit my car and run, I lost some important keys and major energy shifts going on. Don't get me wrong, I did have some awesome events as well. I don't want to dump negative energy on you. I had new clients contact me for appointments, I rejoined Mary Kay, to make some extra money and I took another HUGE leap of faith in my growing business!
Nonetheless, it just brings me back to being in the state of gratitude. In the past 2 months, I feel I have been the most grateful and my life has shifted at least 15 degrees. So when all this not-so-fun-stuff began happening on Monday, I asked right away... what is my lesson here? I got boundaries first. Then I also got "Blessings in Disguise". When this not-so-fun-stuff happens, we humans, even I, forget that Universe tests us to see if what we have been asking for is what we REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want! I definitely feel this is what happened to me, on top or Mercury Retrograde & also my birthday coming up!!!
My birthday usually signifies my New Year. I take an in depth look at how I have grown, the lessons I have learned and where I am going. The first year in my 30s is coming to an end and I have 9 left!! What's my plan? Who do I plan on becoming? and so many other questions that come to mind.
Therefore I ask that you look at this week in your life and see where you have grown in the past 6 months, and where you can still grow! This week be patient with yourselves. Love yourselves more! and just take it easy if things aren't going your way. When things blow up in your face, give it a few seconds and just let life unravel as God meant for things to happen. It's just Mercury Retrograde and this too shall pass