Friday, November 2, 2012

To all My Sensitive People

We started this week in a FULL MOON! This magnifies our emotions! Be gentle with yourself. If you have felt more emotional, felt like crying, taken things more personally...You don't have to join this club, You are in it! This includes me! It is also good to let things out! Cry if you need! Release, Release, Release! By Being gentle with yourself I mean Take a Time OUT
HOW you ask? (read below)
  • Take a sea salt bath (I even light candles, add essential oils & rose petals, if I have them)
  • go for a walk
  • Journal
  • Exercise (yoga, kickboxing is great if you have pent up anger, running, etc.)
  • take a nap
  • Only talk to and hang out with people of the same vibration or higher! This is so you won't get caught up in the drama and you are simply allowed to let go in a safe space that which isn't serving you.
  • CRY, CRY, CRY!!! LET IT OUT! Why do you want to keep it in?! Just CRY! Sob if needed. (This is to release, once it is gone, don't make this a lifestyle for yourself) Remember* All in moderation
  • Bring out your CRYSTALS! This is the main reason they are there. They will absorb the lower energies. (Remember to clear them)
  • Cook
  • Clean (for my Virgo's & Rising sign Virgo's)
  • Take a Mini Vacay or Staycation
  • Watch Movies that will make you LAUGH & Inspire you. Some of my favorite things to watch are Friend's episodes, Original Kings of Comedy, Last Holiday, Katt Williams (Pimp one). There are more but you get the idea.
  • Start a collage
  • Start a vision board
  • Start on your scrapbooking project You always said you would do
  • Start out on your Christmas card list or whatever holiday is coming up (when you read this)
  • Come to one of my workshops!
  • Read
  • Eat something decadent! Indulge! but "Don't get crazy!"
  • Take pictures of your family, children, parents, yourself (Like you did when you were a teenager-> and if you never did that: THERE'S NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT)
  • DANCE! "I like to move it, move it" (Madagascar Theme song)
Ok so I think you get my point! I'm even inspired, so I'll maybe do a video about this... ha ha! SO let's go, why are you waiting?! You are so loved by your angels and by your Creator/God/dess/Universe. Love yourself! There is only one of you, so think about how important that makes you!!!

Signing off: Ms. Xochi from Creating Angelic Experiences
AND Remember.... If opportunity doesn't knock:
  1. Build a Door
  2. Open the Door
  3. Walk through it or RUN through it!
*Sending You Angels*

Friday, August 31, 2012

Insanity is Knocking at the Door

The bills that I need to make sure are paid,make sure I am prepared for my workshop, people I didn't call, people who haven't called me back, the emails I haven't responded to yet, the list goes on and on. I feel crazy bring pulled in so many directions. Knowing that I have taken on way too much as far as responsibilities are concerned....that's what mny emotions say. While my type A personality and OCD perfectionist inside me cheers me on and knows I can handle so much more. Meanwhile, my angels are telling me to relax, trust that everything is happening in Divine Timing and to balance my life by taking a nice ride on my bike on the beach. I don't know about you but I opted for the beach bike cruise.
When I feel the breeze on my face caressing my hair, inhaling the abundant air God has supplied, being grateful for this moment in time & space, I am able to clear out the drama my mind loves to create. How many times do we as humans, love to stay in this stress? Yes we have things to do, people to call, places to go, but what about you? Who takes care of you? Who makes sure you are supported, eat enough vegetables, drink enough water, play outside, and reminds you that nothing is are perfect just the way you are now! The Bruno Mars song plays in my head.
The moment your body feels tired, it's talking to you! When you need a nap, take a 5 minute snoozer, you will feel better! When you are stressed, STEP AWAY FROM YOUR LIFE! And by this I mean, change up your routine, go for a walk, stand up & stretch, call a loved one... breathe. There are so many choices in one day and we are so good at beating ourselves up over the smallest things. Life doesn't need to feel so overwhelming. You are doing the best you can and give yourself a high five for being where you are. Don't look at what you haven't accomplished, notice how far you've come. So what if it's not perfect or the way you planned. What's important is you are alive. You had the experience(s). Rejoice! You got another day to live to try again maybe, more time ~ to tell the people you love how you feel.
I am still on my beach cruise (taking a moment to write this) I felt compelled to share my thoughts with you and this picture.
I'm not even done taking my break, more like celebrating my life (I don't always wait for my bday), and I received news that a few things I was worried about have worked themselves out already. All I needed to do was step away from my routine. Can you do the same? Don't do the same things over and over again in the same way, expecting different results....that's the definition of insanity. Trust everything will work out in the best possible situation for everyone involved.
Sending angels.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Who's Rooting In Your Corner?

How do you know when you have done the right thing? Especially when it comes to choosing your life purpose? I recently posted a blog and sent an actual email with the same information of me Coming out of the Closet. It talks about me really stepping into my role and how I stumbled upon figuring out what I am supposed to do on this earthly sojourn.

Before I sent this email I had had this revelation and told my parents about it. More so my mother than anybody. I know that in today's day and age, and even in the generations before mine, talking to one's parents is not always the easiest thing. Some children never even have profound conversations with their parents. Mostly it's because of respect or the age difference.

Fortunately in this lifetime I have manifested amazing and supportive parents. I know no one, including myself, is perfect. I strive for perfection at times and often fall very short of it. As a young woman growing up one realizes at different phases in life, that our parents fall short as well.  And that's OK!

I remember as a little girl hearing about an adult falling down. I could not stop laughing!
(Note: The person was not injured) It just seemed so odd and absurd! An adult!? Falling down?! Well I've NEVER! (Remember I was a little girl).

There have many times that I feel my parents have disappointed me, that I have been disillusioned. Perhaps because they didn't get things right the first time, don't know everything that I want them to know, don't know how to act, or don't say what I want to hear. That's the reality a child goes through at some point in their lives when it comes to their parents. It's a bit life altering, some events more challenging than others.  So I understand and know what it feels like to want to blame my parents for many things gone wrong in my life. Key Words are "Want to blame".

The truth is, I do not blame my parents for anything. Everything happens exactly as it was meant to happen. and that in itself is perfection. and knowing that my parents in this lifetime are a blessing, I give thanks. I am grateful because not many parents are even around their children's lives as adults. I am grateful because my parents actually tell me they love me, often! Yes, I know, I am blessed! and I am truly grateful.

So why this blog? Why this rant about parents and how mine are so supportive? It's important to have people surround you that are supportive. If they are not parents, they can be aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins, neighbors, friends, colleagues, co+workers, children, and the like, the point is to have a SUPPORT group. Who is it that you hang out with, spend most of your time with? To whom do you go for advice? A shoulder to cry on? A helping hand? Or when you need a nice swift kick in the ***!?

To whom do you describe your dreams? Who listens to your goals? Who believes in you? EVEN when You have lost faith in yourself?

Luckily for me my parents believe in me. They might not have always known what exactly I do, or what my plan is but their unconditional love has shined through.

It's the moment when: after I tell my mom my aspirations, she tells me that her life has changed because of what I have taught her. That moment, those words alone, besides bringing tears to my eyes, really confirmed why I am here.

Of course there are other people in my life, but today, for whom are you grateful? Observe the people around you and make sure that you have a team of cheerleaders! and if you don't, then FIND Your PEOPLE! You do have your angels! You can ask your Angels to help you connect with amazing, loving, honest, (put your own adjectives in), ..... supportive people. ***REMEMBER***: You can always start with yourself!

Thursday, July 26, 2012



I was having doubts in my life, as a normal human being. I remembered a woman I admire saying she would go to a Trapeze class often. It helps one get out of overanalyzing. A few days after this memory, I noticed a special deal for a Trapeze class online.... Could this be a sign? (I thought to myself)...

It was affordable, so I signed up!
I arrived barely on time and as I was putting on all these contraptions around my body, I realized the instructor was already going through the steps while on the trapeze! This all happened within the first five minutes of being there! I was nervous. At this point my SUPER analytical side came out and I asked the instructor to go over the steps once again.

Mind you, this is my first time doing this and they just say something to the following effect:

"You will get on the bar, put your feet up on the bar, release your hands, put them back on, take your feet off the bar, and then let your hands go as you gravitate onto the net."

HA HA ... uhmmm .... Yeah, I asked for a third explanation. Oh no, the instructor said, "your body will just do it, don't think about it too much."

Thank Goodness I was not the first person to go on the trapeze. So I have to clasp the harness on my body to some other straps hanging from who knows where, put some chalk on my hands (to make sure I can grasp the trapeze bar), climb up this TALL ladder, and that's before I get to the Trapeze!

Ok so up I go, I am beginning to feel a bit nauseous. It seems that the higher I go, the more dizzy and faint I am feeling. I am thinking to myself... what in the world am I doing?!? It's very similar to when you are going on a big roller coaster for your first time; and a feeling of "I don't know if I can handle this, or did I bite off more than I can chew?"

As I get to the top, I actually feel physically weak! I really want to pass out now. I remember words of advice to say how I feel three times. "I am scared, I am scared, I am scared". Then right after I said "I am safe. I am safe. I am safe." Miraculously, I wasn't as scared and no longer felt the need to faint.  ALLELUIA!

I got ready and held on for my dear life!! literally! As the helper let go of my harness, and I jumped into the air holding on to only the trapeze bar, I felt numb.

The instructor on earth (ha) tells me how to maneuver my body: "legs up! Hands down! Hands up, Legs down! Release!" It is the only thing I could hear while transcending amidst the air.

I really had to trust this net was going to catch me as I was suspended between gravity, the air and earth, I realized that I had let go. Let go of expectations, I trusted! Trusted Universe would provide in some way, shape or form.  And as I landed gracefully on the net, I laid still for a few seconds to let my soul reconnect with my body. I could not stop shaking. I couldn't believe my body just did some crazy moves it had never done before.

It really was amazing that not going over the steps again and again would help me. I would have been in my head too much.

Sometimes in life, we feel there is no net in life to catch us, that if we are too scared, faint, nauseous, or whatever your ego & body tells you, we can just back out. That is true! You can back out!      ...


Life is too short to be scared, to wonder if your life would be different had you done X, Y, and Z.  Live Today, for tomorrow is not promised and today is a PRESENT.

Stay tuned for my next adventure .... Surfing! yes, this seems scary to me!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Animals, Birds & Butterflies

"You are not alone. I am here with you. So we're far apart. Always in my heart". (Michael Jackson)

Those words come to me as I have been pondering on my walks on the beach in the morning. I live and spend a lot of time at the beach, as I should! A few days ago, I was riding my bicycle, minding my own business and I just couldn't help notice a HUGE bird that was just towering over a trash can.

As I rode away, I couldn't help thinking how ENORMOUS that black bird was. I know there are seagulls and many birds of the sea, but this was not one I had seen often, or before. Maybe it was a Raven, they look like Crows but are much bigger.

Late last week I saw what looked like a hawk as I was driving. I have noticed as well many butterflies as I am riding my bicycle or walking. I saw a beautiful Monarch butterfly. Typically I see the orange butterflies.  Then today I saw a red bird flying here and there in front of my car as I drove for about half a mile. ... So what are all these animals, birds, butterflies doing in my life?

These are your angels, your guides, your Creator showing you so many things!

1. Take a moment to notice something outside of your daily life!
2. These living creatures have messages for you! Ask them intuitively what is their message.
Here on earth, life can be yucky at times and there are challenges we, as people, face on a day to day basis. This allows us to forget how much our Creator/Universe/Goddess loves us... YOU! ME!
These creatures are messengers, they are like our angels, they send us blessings, LOVE, support and they also act as a guide for our next steps. So next time you are outside, take note of even a ladybug!
And see if your Life, even for a Still Moment does not feel at ease. Relax in knowing you do have a support system in Heaven Loving you and Surrounding you with all YOU NEED!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

When Was The Last Time You Felt Like A Child Having Fun?

When was the last time you had fun? Lived carefree? and played in the sand? or enjoyed something you did when you were a child? ..... WHY HAS IT BEEN SO LONG???

I'm at a park recently, it's the beginning of summer. My nine year old cousin asks me if we can stay at the park so she can play on the swings. I thought the answer would be NO right away. Still contemplating the question and everything I had planned to do, I thought a few minutes wouldn't hurt.

As she ran off, I found myself thinking what am I going to do?? It then hit me! My inner child really began nudging me.... "let's get on the swing!" HA HA HAHA my adult self laughed. I couldn't possibly want to get on a swing. Then something happened. My inner child really dug down deep and triggered memories that I hadn't thought of in years!
Just thinking of how much I use to LOVE the swings! I remembered that the minute I would set foot at the park, I would BOLT to the swing to make sure I had one! I remembered at a family event when I was probably 11, I sent a cousin of mine to run and grab me a swing so that by the time I got there, I wouldn't have to wait until someone was done. Oh yeah! I was a Queen of Swings! oh wait I still am. ha ha

The feeling of being a child, of finding the JOY in something so simple as swinging in a playground, was something I forgot. and it really did bring tears to my eyes. Had I, me, crossed the into the world of being an adult?!!!? So serious and BORING?!!! ahhh!!! Forgetting what it felt like to play? To run around and live carefree? To feel the breeze in my hair and on my face? To feel as if I am flying everytime the swing goes forward?

OH NO!!! I was an adult! It hit me! I had to be reminded, by my inner child, what it felt like to have fun at the park! HOW SAD!!!  and what was even MORE sad, it took me a LONG time to remember when the last time I was on a swing.... It was 10 years ago!!! a WHOLE DECADE without swings! No wonder I had a hard time finding my happiness! There hadn't been playgrounds in my life! Me.... 10 years ago....

Being an adult with or without children, doesn't mean you have to live life so seriously, so I have remembered. I have been on the swings a few more times since then. I stop and smell the flowers more often. I have done some cartwheels too!

Find some time today, this week, to allow your inner child take over your body and enjoy something you haven't in over 10, 20, 30, 50 years, or more! Love yourself to every extent and KNOW that you deserve this LAUGHTER and FUN! I send you many angels! and fairies to help you get out of the serious mode!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

SO I've had a rough day, more like a few rough moments in the past month! BUT who hasn't. Between reading T. Harv Eker's, Secrets of a Millionaire Mind, not complaining and TRUSTING God, Universe and my angels that Everything happens for a reason and in Divine Timing.... I have emotional moments.
I was talking to a prospective client today and I came up with a simple:

There are times in our daily lives where we feel so rushed, stressed, and disconnected that we are literally inviting more negative energy into our world. The following is the quickest way to actually stop this downward spiral pattern so that you can get back to a higher energy and complete your daily tasks without ... going crazy... I mean easily & effortlessly. :)

  1. STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING! (take a moment to reset) 
    1. If you are driving, pull over!
    2. If you are with others, excuse yourself & find a quiet place... YES, even if it's the bathroom!
  2. BREATHE DEEPLY (Get your mind & body into the present)
    1. Speak out loud what you see, & feel NOW
      1. I see a blue car
      2. I feel the steering wheel.
    2. Keep breathing deeply 3 to 10 times.
    3. By this time your mind has taken over your future and you are only focusing on negativity so CHANGE THAT CHANNEL and TUNE INTO DIVINITY!
  3. CALL ON YOUR ANGELS (Keep breathing deeply so they can connect)
    1. Because we have free will, the angels can only intervene in emergency situations, thus, ASK!
    2. Clearly state: "Angels give me clear signs that you are with me right now; and/or guide me to the next step."
    3. Keep breathing deeply and be open to receiving signs NOW!
      1. **ANGELS that are good to call on when stressed & overwhelmed:
        1. Archangel Michael "Please cut any chords to situations and to people that do not serve me a purpose any longer"
        2. Archangel Raphael "Please heal me in mind, body and spirit"
        3. Archangel Jophiel "Please beautify my thoughts"
  4. IF YOU ARE STILL OVERWHELMED (Keep breathing deeply. YES, they are still working on you)
    1. List 10 things for which you are REALLY Grateful!
      1. My car, job, a home, a place to live, the money I do have in my bank account, the money that is coming to me, my family, my children, my hands, my feet, my capability to hear, to see, to feel, to be ALIVE, etc.... C'mon work with me here! ;)
    2. Be Clear & Honest with your list! (see examples above)
    3. FEEL the LOVE for that which you are grateful! REALLY!
    4. SMILE
    1. Please if you have not done so by now, separate yourself from everyone & anyone as you are now what I call an "Energy Sucking Vampire"
    2. Volunteer where there are people, less fortunate than YOUR situation! and help those less fortunate. THIS helps you realize there REALLY are others in a situation worse than YOU!
START OVER if needed! Cutting corners only cheats you, your capability to REALLY shine, and get back to YOUR Magnificent SELF!
You are going through this difficult time because this is a lesson! This is an opportunity for growth. I know it seems hard but it's what you do NOW, in these moments, that Define who you really are!

SO WHO DO YOU WANT TO BE? ... Signing off for now... Miss Xochi, Creating Angelic Experiences. <3 <3 Sending you all Love & Angels.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Who I Am

Who I AM!

Many of you know me very well and I am blessed to know you all personally. I have had at least one conversation with you, of that I am sure.

THE BIG NEWS!!!! … I have left the "traditional" lifestyle of work.
I would like to share WHO I AM because I no longer want to hide my TRUE essence from you and many others. I have learned many lessons in my life and am now coming out of my closet! (And NO I still love men! Not that closet.) I notice that I have been holding back who I really am with some of my friendships and those with whom I spend time. This is a disservice to all of us.

I FINALLY know what my Life Purpose is. But before I tell you, I want to share with you a little history …

I remember as a little girl, playing hypnotizing games when I was about 5.  The paranormal has always been BEYOND interesting to me. And from the age of 7 +, when faced with many challenges, my intuition guided me, although never realizing what it was until much older.

As an adult in 2003, I really started working on myself: I started figuring out that there were more people in the world like me, and I had work to do in order to be honest with myself and my Creator. I came to this realization because I was tired of not seeing my dreams come closer, I wanted peace, and I felt depressed, sad, and hopeless. I wanted CHANGE. I finally realized nothing was going to change, unless I did.

My suspicions of being an intuitive were confirmed constantly, when I would make phone calls and different people would say “I was just thinking about you”, I would joke around by saying “it’s because I am psychic”. Ha ha, I still say that now!
I kept myself busy by reading quite a few spiritual books, many of world renowned author & psychic: Sylvia Brown.  In 2005, I had a chance to spend A LOT of time listening to internet radio shows.  I began to listen to motivational speakers, healers, coaches, & spiritual practitioners intently, that were all new to me. And for the first time in my life, I felt like “There are OTHER people in the world like me!” as if I was some sort of secluded species. I could talk to other people about past lives and spirits, what life after death could be like and people would not think I am crazy or going to hell! Which I don’t believe in EITHER! I am not saying this to have you believe what I believe.

I am writing this to let you know that I am coming out as a Magnificent Spiritual Being! Now I FINALLY know what my Life Purpose is. I am a Spiritual Coach, “Angel On Call”, Manifesting Mama, with certifications from Dr. Doreen Virtue as an ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER®, Medium and working on International Public Speaker.

Many of you already know this about me and have CALLED ME for guidance, suggestions, and even an ear to listen to your situations. I have done my best to never judge and be that person to lift your vibration, your energy and lighten up your load. I know NOW that is why I am here on earth. I love helping people. I love to be a friend to help many realize that each of you are not alone in what you are going through – since I, too, have gone through many of the same struggles.

I’ve had many indications and confirmations time and time again that it is not meant for me to be at a 9-5 job. My energy is too intense and my purpose is far too great!

I now work FULL TIME for God/Universe/Goddess and I help you connect to your angels, give positive messages of loving guidance from your angels, lift vibrations so that you know how special of a person, a soul, you really are! I also help you reconnect with loved ones that have passed on from this lifetime.

This has all taken me some time to realize this all for myself. I have been afraid to tell people, to be mocked, and be talked about saying things such as I am working with evil, and/or all those negative comments. I know that God is beautiful and more amazing than I can ever even imagine.

I just want to let you all know that this is who I AM, and this is not just a career!  This is truly a livelihood that only helps me be a better person day by day. I am not perfect and don’t claim to be. I am on this earth to learn lessons just like everyone else.
In honoring God and my Life Purpose I am stepping into full-time work as “The Angel on Call” ( What I am requesting is for support, in all forms. If you refer me to anybody you know who may be struggling or needs clarity, I would also greatly appreciate that! I pray that each of you have found your destiny or are working towards it, if not I would love to be a resource for you as well! I send you many angels! Love! And may God protect you with the White Light of the Holy Spirit!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Ask, Trust & Expect! Part I

How to Manifest.... I began manifesting since before I knew what exactly it was. I remember being a child and wishing for certain things to happen... I mean REALLY wishing and praying and hoping and dreaming and saying things like: ok I will pray every night and share with my little brother all the time if I can just have this one Barbie or game or whatever I wanted for Christmas! Lol. I Know! Like I Know that I am not only one who would do this.
And now in my 30's I haven't mastered the art of bringing everything that I want into fruition, but I am definitely living an AMAZING life. One that I have co-created with my Creator, God, Universe/Goddess/Your fancy.
And this is for a couple reasons. One being that I don't really want what I think I want. For example, I've wanted to marry a man that I was dating or my boyfriend. Then, years later or months, I find out he's a loser or in better terms he has issues I do not want to bring into my life. He could have never followed his dreams oright have been close minded. Whatever the case, he was meant to be with someone else.
Second: what I think I want is not really what is meant for me to have. Have you ever thought .... what you are thinking isn't big enough? Or how the outcome is unforeseen and could've been the worst decision ever?!  I have now learned and realized that what I wish for & does not come through, is NOT meant to be for me. This goes for jobs, dating, trips and more. Instead of getting upset if I just trust and put my faith in knowing their is something better, a better outcome than I could even imagine, it DOES come.
...stay tuned.

Friday, June 8, 2012


Do you need financial help? Can't seem to get past that hill of receiving more abundance?  Do you want different results?

Well join me this Sunday evening @ 7 pm for the 1st of 2 Free Calls! I will be offering a Great deal of INFORMATION! We will also be IMPLEMENTING strategies to help YOU receive and BE OPEN!

TO Sign up:
I will send you further instructions!

Ms. Xochi

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


A dear friend of mine, Nancy Alcorn, you can find her blog HERE, has sent me a question for feedback that my angels want me to share with you:

Xochi-What are you getting, if anything, from your sources [regarding] the radiation coming out of Japan? The government has nothing to say "officially" but that does not mean anything as the source is still cranking it out. It has not been capped and will eventually make its way to the good ol US of A. Then what?

My Response

Regarding Japan, Well I do not really watch the news and sometimes do not know exactly what is going on, such is the case in this matter. However, just by reading it from you in this email, this is what I receive from the Angels

It is best not to focus on the negativity of what has not happened. That which is not present, Does NOT exist. Let us instead focus our energy by sending LOVE, and Healing. Let us picture all of Japan and surrounding areas with the White Light of the Holy Spirit and as we see it in a bubble, see the negativity (radiation) captured by the angels, many, many angels and they take this negativity into a LARGE, LARGE BUCKET. This will be taken up to where energy is transmuted, recycled into positive energy once again! We ask God to protect us with the White light of the Holy Spirit and remove from our Minds, fear, which is only an illusion. Only Love exists! Only Love!
<3 Angels & Archangels <3

I definitely feel that there are many workers on the other side working on this. I also feel that there is a reason behind all of this. There usually is... I am getting something with government. People and many changes. Also, this is a radical shift now that 2012 is here! Let us give thanks. When people do not rise above to their spirituality, this year especially, the shift happens. We can choose if we want it in a harmonious way or with a gentle push from the Universe!
Ask God and the Angels to illuminate your path to the highest good of all and to help you if you need to shift at all! <3 <3

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


One of the main reasons why we, as humans, find it hard to let go of emotions that no longer serve us, is because we have etherical chords that are still connected to those people and situations that have hurt us.

What is an "etherical chord"?

You know that really special person in your life, that is always depressed, in a bad mood, or angry, etc.; and when you are done talking to this person, you realize you NOW feel depressed, in a bad mood, or angry?!
You might have realized it, you might not have. Sometimes we don't realize these people have an affect on us until years later!!! Sometimes, we don't know how to stop ourselves from having these emotions attached to us. Unfortunately, these people can be family members, our parents, our siblings, our partners, bosses, basically people we cannot just remove from our lives.

More Info

Back to cutting the chords... There are chords of LOVE. Those we attach to people that we love and care for, these chords are NEVER severed. Nonetheless, please keep in mind we can have chords that do not serve us connected to our loved ones just as well as the people we do not see in the same light, such as teachers, the attendant at the store we always go to, people that are not so close but we connect with them often. The chords I am referring to are those of:
  • Fear
  • Relating to Situations that Do not Serve You Anymore
  • Habits that Do Not Serve You Anymore
  • Hurt

So what do you do?

This is when we call on Archangel Michael. Michael means "He who is like God". His energy is one of a royal purple color and he can be called on for:
  • Protection
  • Safety
  • Space Clearing
  • Shielding
  • Travel
  • Fixing anything
  • Cutting CHORDS
  • When in doubt, just call Archangel Michael
If you have seen a picture or statue of Archangel Michael, you might have noticed that he has a sword. This is the sword that he uses to cut these chords of fear!


Sit quietly or lie down. (Preferably right before bed time, but anytime will do just fine). Take 3 three deep breaths and call on Archangel Michael simply by saying something to the effect of "Archangel Michael, please come to my side now and cut/sever/yank/pull any chords of fear and chords that do not serve me any longer." Take 3 more deep breaths (at least). If you are at all clairsentient, you might FEEL, yes FEEL one or more of the following:
  • A tingling sensation anywhere in your body
  • Warmth (like a heating pad)
  • Relief
  • A weight lifted off your chest, or shoulders, or the like
  • You might not feel a thing

If you do NOT feel anything, that is ok as well. That doesn't make you any less than special than who you are! It doesn't mean Archangel Michael isn't working on you! TRUST

Believe that you have angels, because you have at least two!!!! since birth at that!!! Even if you don't believe. Although if you didn't believe, you probably wouldn't be reading this. ;)

I hope this helps you! We can all get rid of that which doesn't serve us anymore. Regardless if you can pinpoint it or not!

Until next time....Angel On-Call, Miss Xochitl
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Saturday, May 12, 2012


Working late again and of course sifting through junk mail this evening. I was minding my business in my kitchen. I heard my neighbors come home and realized they took a long time to get into the driveway. Well not even 10 minutes later I hear another car coming out and really rushing out, when all of a sudden I hear a hard Crash and a SHATTER! From one of MY Windows! Of course I get up and check to see first if: Someone through a brick through the window (although that is highly unlikely) and 2nd Make sure I get the license plate of whoever was driving!!! HA
2nd pic
You can see by the picture that it is a pretty Big glass, measuring about 4 x 3.5 feet. I have definitely had a week with these odd things going on. I am grateful that I was NOT the driver. I felt bad because I know how it feels to be the culprit of an accident and then feel at the pit of your stomach that you now have to suffer the consequences, in this case, probably a higher insurance bill.
Since I really do my best to see the Silver Lining/the brighter side of things/be positive, I began to thank God for the following:
  1. The window that shattered was not the one that was less than 6 inches away from where I was working in the kitchen (See pic) 1st pic
  2. I was not the driver of the car!
  3. That NO ONE was hurt.
I don’t know why when the Universe tests your patience, among other virtues, it all happens in one week, or one day! I do know that WE, me and YOU, have a choice to how we react. Certiainly I am the first to admit I call on my angels to help me calm down, see the lessons, & help me get through my challenging days. I could have gotten upset and screamed at the driver. I could have yelled at the Universe when my car decided to take a break from running this week when I had to tow it, while the battery in my phone was dying. I could have chosen to be angry, jealous, hurt, upset for so many things… BUT for what? Who does that serve? Definitely not me!
Even when I want to pout like a 4 year old and throw a temper tantrum, really? I would probably feel more embarrassed. Choose the way you react next time life seems to blow up in your face, or throws you a curve ball, or a card that you weren’t expecting to have been dealt. Things could have always gone worse. Be grateful for your lessons as we are all here to learn from our experiences. You might want to learn your lessons well, so you don’t have to go through them again! (including me)

I send Archangel Jeremiel to help you review your life to help you get rid of any habits that do not serve you, and Lots of Love!

Ms. Xochi,
Angel On-Call

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Looking for Women in 30s & 40s to help me out with survey...

Looking for women in their 30s and 40s to fill out a survey. I am getting more specific with terminology and what not. Totally anonymous. If you or know someone that could help me out, please fill out:
Thank you!
Miss Xochitl

Monday, May 7, 2012

Letting Go.... Allowing Blessings to Come Hither!

I will do my best to stay on the earthbound dimension as I allow my fingers to channel my messages. Please bear with me if I get too deep, which can happen. Make no mistake, you are meant to read this NOW, regardless of the date.

On my spiritual path this has been one of the most interesting lessons I have learned. The Universe likes to make sure I still remember how to let go.

About 8 days ago, I misplaced my wallet containing obviously important cards, cash, a gift card and my favorite red lipstick! ha I do not know which I miss more! Not only did this happen a day before rent was due but it also contained a portion which I was going to use for the rent.

Just to give you some history on what I have been working on lately: I have been reading more consistently on Abundance, meditating more than I ever have in my life, reminding myself that GOD is my supply, so I know that LACK of money was NOT why I manifested this. I cannot help but to KNOW that misplacing my wallet/money bag is a Lesson! I did manifest this happening to me, but because exactly the reason that I AM working on my beliefs about money! On some level, I am stirring up the energetic beliefs I have about money.

When I realized I was missing it, I thought to myself "OH NO! NOT NOW Fairies! This isn't funny!" I did my usual steps: try not to freak out, retrace my steps and go on about my evening. OF course, it had been almost 10 hours since I had remembered seeing it in my purse. :(

I will not drag on the story of looking for the purse too long...I still have not found it. Remember "it's the journey, not the destination" (I don't remember author). My journey of searching for the purse has semi-ceased. I have called on my angels, Santa Clara, St. Anthony, fairies, and GOD! It took me 3 days to stop beating myself up! I would just get mad at myself for not remembering to make sure I had it during the course of that day. Being human, I got very upset and complained about NOT wanting another lesson. I was frustrated, upset! and mad at the world. I didn't feel violated, no not yet; no one had tried using my credit cards.

No one has attempted to use my credit cards, even over a week later. It wasn't until the 3rd evening that I finally gave into my higher self. I knew I had been beating myself up WAY too much and needed a break. I was exhausted of thinking, of wanting it back, worrying and freaking out! I was tired of beating myself up! "I love myself!" I remembered. So I took an evening off. A time out, if you will. I ceased the search, went to my bedroom, called on Archangel Michael to cut any cords of fear related to money and this wallet/purse. I then watched TV until I didn't think about my missing purse until HOURS later! WOOO HOOO!

The next morning, I realized, I don't need those stupid cards! Ok so my credit cards were gone. I could go to the bank, order replacements and buy a new red lipstick, if needed. Why was I SOOO fixated on the damn wallet?! Now I couldn't believe I was making such a big deal and I let it get to me!

Mind you, I definitely know my purse/wallet will be coming out sooner or later. After all I had manifested miracles with items I had lost MANY, many times! It's as if my wallet was taken into a different dimension. It's definitely not on earth. I'm sticking to this story! If it's meant for me to have the wallet back, hey I might have some extra cash later! If it's not meant to be, I trust that something better is coming my way! ...

The day after I let go, cash came my way in unexpected ways! I actually earned more money that I had in my wallet, covering my rent with ease!

Before I finish this post, another quick example of how Letting Go works:
I have had many experiences of wondering and worrying, a little bit (not going to lie) where I would be receiving income in the near future, and wouldn't you know, in the next hour, I received an email letting me know I had a new client the next day! HA!

Right when you think you are going to lose it, if you wait just even HALF a SECOND, wait for it.... you will see how the Universe/God/Goddess/Life supports you and wants to help you. When one resists, that is when we block things.

Call on your Angels today regardless of your situation! To let go of fear, jealousy, hurt, pain, anger, all negative energy that You are carrying or that is surrounding you! Ask your angels for THREE signs so you know they are there.
Your angels visit you at least 100 times a day!!!! Acknowledge them and you will see miracles happen before your eyes!

I send you many Money Angels and Lots of Love!
Ms. Xochi

Sunday, April 1, 2012

March 26, 2012

Today is a day,
Day 1 of yesterday, Day 2 of tomorrow. Nothing is stopping me...except me. Where? What? How? and I want it all now. Pay my dues. Live my life. So much, so little, all in one night. How can I believe? Without you? Do I even want you in my life? Maybe, for a moment... just a moment in time. A moment, that's all, to set me free, to breathe, to not think, to allow control to take over. I'm over this situation of penetrating thoughts in an abysmal labyrinth that has no end.  Twists and turns... I see the light. I feel the light... growing, shinning. Where oh where? I hear, I hear my angels call near, and then in an instant your reflection: a picture, a memory, begins to take me down the path, deeper into the maze of my past, and the future that could be, could have been. That's just my imagination. You left!You left! And now I scream. But no one hears me. Lying in my sleep. Could it be? When I wake, Will you still be there? In my life? Or in my dreams? In my past? Or in my "to be"? The future, we know, it's not promised.
So I wait then, I create, then I wait some more. "To whom do you show your allegiance?" a man, a king, cries out afar...Where am I now?
Flashes, of this life or perhaps 5 back, it all seems so jumbled and space means  nothing. No time, no stopping...just continuing the emotional roller coaster that engulfs the inner me, the depth in my brain, the words of my soul, the tears in my eyes...those that haven't fallen, those yet to be shed. All happiness and glory, tucked right next to those sad and lonely fears. Forever... Forgetting. Forever now. Forever repeating. Forever now.... in the moment. Tug of war, here and now. Between the past and the present, and who I'm meant to be. Why do I care, what others say? "It doesn't matter" I hear a voice...cry out & dig deep in the pit of Your Soul, of my soul. which is tender and ever loving so.  I see the horizons way out far, between the sky and the earth. How heavently it seems. Forever repeating and on and on, forever now. Comteplating the distance, the where and how long. My child soon asks me where have I been? I blink my eyes, I see the clock. TIC...TOCK. A minute has gone by or maybe 2 or perhaps a few. I stopped counting since I started this song. This theme of my life that goes on and on. How many lessons? How many dreams? How much reality is ripped @ the seams?...of my bubble? holding it all up: my creations, my laughter and a few parts of dream.  Awake in this thinking...forever it seems. Food for your soul, not food in your tummy, since nothing quenches this hunger of knowledge, of change, of more entertainment, of this continuing life.  I've lived a few lives in this one! and it's not over yet. I forget who I was, is that the point? To drift in your life or mine or both of all of one, forever. Together ALL.
Blink with me, breathe with me as it is slowing down again. Breathe in and out, so deeply with me, come with me now, I want to be with you, until I'm old, but that feels like tomorrow and that day never comes.
Join me in Harmony, listen to the voice, the one deep inside you, it's talking now. (Your choice) No outspoken words, not one person beside you, can you hear you now. Just me in my thoughts and you in yours. Where will we go next? Maybe together perhaps, in the next life, or after death. This you-and-me situation was all that it gets.
Thank You, Thank You...the Sun finally sets. ... into your arms, into the night, we begin making history, your words or mine. It's all the same, no one will know, where I end and you begin. Telling the story of now, but for you, then, back then, way before unlimited minutes and seconds are waisting away, to the day of when, lost in the dreams, the magical place, where I can fly and no limits, on who I will be. No lies, no parents, no growing-up to anything less than fun. A Great Life! is here to come!
Copyright 2012 Ms. Xochitl, Angel On-Call Creating Angelic Experiences Long Beach Angels