I went to court today to fight another speeding ticket... I think the Universe is telling me I need to slow down. HA but I'm human and I haven't learned that lesson quite yet.
... Mind you I hadn't prepared as much as I would have liked to because well I'm a procrastinator (for some things). I am in court and I'm reading "Dare to Be Yourself" by Alan Cohen because I am in Connie Costa's Mastermind Group (ask me for more details), and I am reading all about confidence. I need to believe in myself, tell the truth, stand up for myself and all this awesome positive information. I am mostly reading because I'm trying to keep my cool because my BODY FEELS the FEAR! If my fear was in charge of me I would have RAN away from the court house Screaming and driving as far away as possible. If the number one fear is public speaking and I can do that but FEAR a traffic hearing in a court room more....then I don't know what to tell you. I'm not normal, maybe that's it. ha ha
I could feel knots in my stomach. I seriously had to Breathe in DEEPLY, Consciously and open my mouth (quietly) to breathe OUT. I did this quite a few times. My head is being a bit negative (I've done my best to run out these thoughts) and my mind starts chattering away about but what if the officer shows up and what if I actually have to ask him questions and if I lose, I'm gonna be forced to pay and I can't pay today and then I'll have to ask for an extension and then that is more money they want from me.... Is this exhausting to read as much as to think it???! Really! So my heart tells me I need to relax and as I'm reading I laugh at a line that really was funny. and I felt better, I laughed a bit more, a little forcibly, but it helped. I smiled and it helped as well.
Luckily my last name starts with an A so I was called 3rd. I had a few questions I wrote down that morning which, if you ask me, were going to win my case. Nonetheless, when the judge called my name I said "Present" and when he called the officer's name.... (CRICKET CRICKET)
What does that mean???!!! I'll tell you what that means. It means I am OFF the HOOK! He didn't show up and so my case is dismissed! oh yes! This sole event has made my ENTIRE DAY! I am so grateful and I did keep thanking my angels before for helping me win... b/c worry is a prayer.
Point of the story! Feel the Fear, Do it Anyway (not like I had much of a choice) and go through the fear. Embrace it as we are all HUMAN and it's ok to be scared. Never backdown when it comes to believing in yourself! Through your confidence ALL things are possible!
"I believe in MIRACLES!" - singing the song...
Good night everyone.